Cellular body energy drives every action in the body – from beating of the heart, to cognitive functions of the brain such as focus, memory, decision making, and reaction time, to muscle actions, to breathing, all organ functions (such as liver, pancreas, gut, vascular, etc.), to immune response, healing and many more.
Just like a house or factory or car which uses energy for most everything, your body does not store much energy. It generates it on demand in organelles which exist in every cell called the mitochondria.
Maximum Vitality takes a five-vector approach to supporting body energy needs:
Support mitochondria with healthy food and targeted nutrients
Help the body to produce more mitochondria (mitochondrial biogenesis)
Support healthy blood circulation for oxygen and nutrient availability
Protect mitochondria from environmental contaminants
Remove microcontaminants from mitochondria
We do not favor artificial stimulants for a jolt of body energy. These include coffee, caffeine, energy drinks or pharmaceutical drugs.
Key Research Results
Published research has shown that healthy mitochondria provide body energy for healthy functions in the body. All these benefits will help you live a life of success, good health, happiness, and gratitude.
What are Mitochondria and ATP?
Mitochondria are small, oval shaped organelles that convert energy from fats derived from whole food. I do not believe that hydrogenated fats (from processed foods) are of much use to the mitochondria. Mitochondria are the major energy production centers in cells.
Scientists estimate there are 15 to 70 trillion cells in the human body. Each cell contains 1,000 to 2,500 mitochondria. That multiplies out to 15 to 750 quadrillion mitochondria in the human body. Do you think supporting the mitochondria is valuable? I stake my life, health, and vitality on it!
Mitochondria age just as cells age. Mitochondria are replaced regularly by a process called mitochondrial biogenesis. However, as people age, this process becomes less efficient.
The ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) production cycle, also known as the Krebs cycle, provides critical body energy to every function in the body from beating of the heart to liver, kidney, brain and immune functions. The energy production portion of the cycle occurs in the mitochondria. Research has shown that increasing the energy available to the cells helps the body operate at its optimum level.

Normal Heart Function
The heart utilizes more energy than any other muscle in the body, thus the concentration of mitochondria within heart cells is higher than any other muscle group. Other than the brain and liver, the heart is the most susceptible organ to environmental toxicities, free-radical oxidative stress, heavy metal poisoning and episodic nutrient deficiencies. Yet it’s also highly responsive to the benefits of targeted nutritional supplements.1
The heart needs a large amount of oxygenated blood flow and mitochondrial nutrients to continually meet its huge body energy demands. The synergistic combination of Maximum Vitality® multi, E=MC2 Endurance Formula™ and Vascular Flex™ – maximizes cardio mitochondrial energy production.

Normal Weight
Mitochondrial health and efficient metabolic processes go hand-in-hand with maintaining normal weight, glucose levels, and muscle mass.3
Researchers at Bastyr University in Washington state have identified a growing body of research that has shown a link between various disturbances in mitochondrial functioning and type 2 diabetes. Researchers identified the complexity of pancreatic mitochondrial functioning. Mitochondria are an integral part of the insulin system found in islet cells of the pancreas. This basic research into the pathogenesis of diabetes has led to the awareness of natural therapeutics, such as coenzyme Q10 and PQQ, that increase mitochondrial functioning in all cells, resulting in maintaining normal weight and glucose levels.14
Brain Health and Migraine Headache
Researchers have demonstrated that migraine headache patients have impaired mitochondrial function resulting in a reduction of body energy production in brain tissue.17 Research has also shown an increased risk of cardiovascular disease in men and women who suffered from migraines.18 Is this a coincidence?
Nutrients essential for mitochondrial energy production include magnesium, CoQ10, and PQQ. Controlled trials have demonstrated that supplementing with either magnesium or Coenzyme Q10 can reduce the attack rate in migraine sufferers17, just as they benefit heart health.1

Maximum Vitality Five-Vector Approach to Supporting the Body Energy Needs
1. Support mitochondria with targeted nutrients
The primary source of body energy nutrients is your diet. Eat a clean, balanced diet as we describe on the foundational health page. For those inevitable micronutrient gaps in even the best diet, we recommend a sophisticated multivitamin such as Maximum Vitality® multi.
E=MC2 Endurance Formula™ directly supports the mitochondria and vascular system with high absorption CoEnzymeQ10, PQQ, and other branded nutrients.
Energy Spark™ provides Ubiquinol, the anti-oxidant form of CoQ10 to support mitochondrial ATP production process.
2. Help the body to produce more mitochondria (mitochondrial biogenesis)
PQQ, a critical component of E=MC2 Endurance Formula™, has been shown to support mitochondrial biogenesis, the production of new and more mitochondria, throughout the body.
3. Support healthy blood circulation for oxygen and nutrient availability
Vascular Flex™ supports circulation of oxygen and micronutrients, enabling healthy mitochondrial body energy production.
4. Protect mitochondria from environmental contaminants
Same as for your gut and all other organs and systems, your microbiome protects your body, including the fragile and prolific mitochondria, from environmental micro-contaminants. Support your microbiome with Gut Optimizer™ – Probiotics and Gut Optimizer™ – Colostrum.
5. Remove microcontaminants from mitochondria
Micro-Contaminant Detox Therapy™ was formulated to assist in the removal of heavy metals, other micro-contaminants, and support the liver in removal of waste circulating in the body.
Four of my favorite books and one major paper summarize recent research and discuss the benefits of nutritional support of your mitochondria for optimal energy production and health.
- Sinatra Solution – Metabolic Cardiology: New Hope for Preventing & Treating Heart Disease. Discover the triad of cardiac health – Coenzyme Q10, L-Carnitine, and D-Ribose. In combination, they help maintain a healthy cardiovascular system; Stephen T. Sinatra M.D., F.A.C.C.
- Reverse Heart Disease Now: Stop deadly cardiovascular plaque before it’s too late. The newest cardiology breakthrough to halt arterial disease & high blood pressure, prevent heart attack & stroke, and reverse heart failure. Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D. and James C. Roberts, M.D. with Martin Zucker
- Dr Perricone’s 7 Secrets to Beauty, Health and Longevity: The Miracle of Cellular Rejuvenation; Nicholas Perricone, M.D.
- Low micronutrient intake may accelerate the degenerative diseases of aging through allocation of scarce micronutrients by triage; Bruce Ames, Ph.D. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A. 2006 Nov 21;103(47):17589-94.
- Pain Free 1-2-3: A proven Program for Eliminating Chronic Pain Now; Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D.
Further References
- Downey M; Triage theory offers a new look at aging: an interview with Bruce Ames, Ph.D. NFM 2007 Jan; p56.
- Liu J, Atamna H, Kuratsune H, Ames BN. Delaying brain mitochondrial decay and aging with mitochondrial antioxidants and metabolites. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2002 Apr;959:133-66.
- Singh RB, et al. Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of coenzyme CoQ10 in patients with end-stage renal failure. J Nutr Environ Med 2003;13:13-22.
- Greco M, Villani G, Mazzucchelli F, Bresolin N, Papa S, Attardi G. Marked aging-related decline in efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation in human skin fibroblasts. FASEB J. 2003 Sep;17(12):1706-8.
- Blatt T, Lenz H, Kpoop U, et al. Stimulation of skin’s energy metabolism provides multiple benefits for mature human skin. Biofactors. 2005;25(1-4):179-85.
- Passi S, De PO, Puddu P, Littarru GP. Lipophilic antioxidants in human sebum and aging. Free Radic Res. 2002 Apr;36(4):471-7.
- Micronutrients prevent cancer and delay aging. Bruce Ames, Ph.D.Toxicol Lett. 1998 Dec 28;102-103:5-18.
- Ames BN, Shigenaga MK, Hagen TM. Mitochondrial decay in aging. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1271(1): 165-170, 1995.
- Lamson DW, Plaza SM. Mitochondrial factors in the pathogenesis of diabetes: a hypothesis for treatment. Altern Med Rev. 2002 Apr;7(2):94-111.
- K Maresh CM, et al. Dietary supplementation and improved anaerobic performance. Int J Sport Nutri, 4(4):387-397, 1994.